Former local Muslim Association president Mohamed Jama, star witness of events at Al Noor Mosque.
He gave 5 different versions of his story to 5 news outlets. Below is the interview he gave to DW News:
"Hello Brother" is not mentioned in this March 16 article. A day later, it pops up in this March 17 article.
In his sentencing remarks, the judge places Nabi inside the mosque, "attempting to shelter behind a
small wall", at the time he is fatally shot by the alleged gunman (see excerpt on the previous page).
Since there is no other body in the entrance, this is presumably that of the "mosque greeter". Note
how the clothing has been pulled up to hide the face. (Apart from Jama, no one in the video is iden-
tifiable, which makes a mockery of the much-trumpeted "need to protect the privacy of the victims".)
The gunman picks up the magazine and clips it on after "shooting up" the prayer hall with what all fire-
arms and ballistics experts say was a replica airgun that caused no discernible damage to anything.
In a 2021 video that "revisits" the "shootings", Max Igan maintains the "bodies" are petrified people.
But other observers continue to see a heap of dummies that slumps slightly to the floor – exactly as
a heap might when a prop is removed. See a close-up picture of the other "pre-stacked" bodies.
Jama — who would have been shot, not ignored, in a real attack — is now nowhere to be seen.
Paradoxically, none of the "casualties" rushed to the local hospital showed any sign of gunshot wounds.
Whatever it is, it appears to be a victim of hanging – like Roberto Calvi. But is that monstrosity a neck?
McKay says (March 17, 2020, in The ChronicleHerald) he is "proud" of the response to the "shooting".
One wonders whether, in reality, these "survivors" were part of the "coincidental" police training drill.
These screenshots are from the last seconds of the video, which show the "gunman" driving away from
Al Noor and taking potshots at "Muslims" near the road. Again, one wonders why he didn't shoot Jama.
After the "gunman" drives off, he apparently fires three "shots" through the windshield — two at a man
standing beside a car and one at a parked vehicle. The "shots" don't break the glass. Seconds later,
he also fires through the left side window at two men in a carpark. In this instance, the glass is broken.
You said it, buddy. It's all drama – theater for the masses, and an opportunity for national catharsis.
Did he save one son or two? See Story No 1, Story No 2. More lies here, plus hysterical giggles.
The consensus of analysts is that the "live stream" was made days before March 15, so that special
effects could be added to it. If that is so, the "shooter" couldn't have burned down the mosque at the
time the video was made without moving the "attack's" date forward. Then, if the video had required
enhancements, which would have taken some time, it couldn't have been posted as a "live stream".
What actually happened, to the best of our knowledge on 31.08.2023: • Deans Avenue was closed
for the duration of the videoed "attack", to reduce the risk of intervention by a concerned member of
the public. • The cars seen passing the mosque during this period were official vehicles, and were
intended to provide a semblance of normality to the scene. • On the official day of the "attack", i.e.
15.03.19, the police did little more than ensure members of the public did not approach the mosque.
As already noted, that was the day the police were finishing their mass-casualty training exercise.
Note the vessel of "blood" in his hand. See the picture of a blood squib on Page 5. View the video.
Here's Linwood imam Alabi Lateef Zirullah again, now with more "bloodstains" on his robe. Since he
was not injured, one is constrained to ask: "How did he acquire these stains?" The official answer:
"While he was helping the wounded." But if that were true, why is the deepest stain over his heart?"